Leatherware Pvt Ltd.

Leatherware Pvt Ltd.

Product: Sportsball and goal
keeper gloves

FLO ID: 19454

Country: Pakistan

Year Fairtrade Certified: 2014

Organisation type: Hired Labour

Organisation Details

The organization was established in 1984 and is located in Sialkot, a city in the northeast of the Punjab, Pakistan. In Sialkot, 70 % of all the footballs in the world are produced.

Fairtrade Certification

Leatherware got its Fairtrade Certification in 2014 because their core value is a commitment towards corporate social responsibility. The cooperative offers training about Fairtrade Standards for all its members on all levels.

Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium

Social Benefits

The literacy rate among workers is low. Therefore, Leatherware promote education for workers’ children.


Purified drinking water is not easy available. In the end of 2014, Leatherware used the Fairtrade Premium to install a water filtration plant for the community, it is estimated that approximately 1,000 people benefit from the installation.


After joining Fairtrade, the workers have started to reduce paper printing and control depletion of water. Smoking is now prohibited in many areas of the factory and smoking areas have been designated.