Tramondi Sports Pvt. Ltd.

Tramondi Sports Pvt Ltd.

Product: Sportsball

FLO ID: 1771

Country: Pakistan

Year Fairtrade Certified: 2012

Organisation type: Hired Labour

Organisation Details

Tramondi Sports is located in Sialkot district, Pakistan. It is an industrial area with agricultural lands.

Fairtrade Certification

The workers of Tramondi Sports are happy and proud to be a part of the Fairtrade movement. There are many Fairtrade projects in progress and the workers are getting benefits through these plans.

Factory workers as well as seamstresses have received trainings on Fairtrade Standards, conditions of employment, health and safety.

Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium

The cooperative has launched several Fairtrade Premium projects, among them a micro credit scheme in 2011 and a marriage grant in 2015. The employees of Tramondi Pakistan have decided to use the Fairtrade Premium on projects for water treatment, medical care, free health checks and ambulance.