Fairtrade Pineapple Growers’ Group was established by 44 small farmer families who grow pineapple as the main crop and mango and jackfruit as their secondary crops. With a production area of 400 hectares, the group produces approx. 15,000 MT of pineapple/annum.

Thailand’s economy mainly dependent on tourism has been largely impacted by the pandemic. With the global economy slowing down the demand for agricultural products for both domestic and international consumption has decreased leading to the layoff of many Thai workers and agriculture staff. Many family members of the farmers at the Pineapple Growers Group have lost their job and returned home, which is increasing the household expenses while receiving less income.

The Fairtrade Resilience Funding has helped alleviate the production cost for the members by investing in procuring good quality agricultural inputs.  The subsidy will relieve the financial burden of the farmers (44 families) allowing them to supply a good quality product that meets the international standard and requested volume.

The Project has helped the farmers in improving the soil structure and nutrient content for long-term production and stimulated cash flow in the village by supporting the local community compost business. It has also increased the carbon capture and sequestration on the field.

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