Fairtrade’s approach gives farmers and workers more control over their lives and decides how to invest in their future. As a leader in the global movement to make trade fairs, Fairtrade supports and challenges businesses and governments while connecting farmers and workers with consumers. The Fairtrade system approved a new global strategy covering the period 2021-2025, The Future is Fair. It is, therefore, crucial for potential producers aspiring to join the Fairtrade system to grasp the Fairtrade principle and establish a strong foundation for their organisation. 

To facilitate this process, a workshop on “Your Fairtrade Journey” has been organized by a Fairtrade consultant in Indonesia, along with the Southeast Asia Regional Manager on May 2023. To promote the synergy and coordination with local government,  a number of cooperative support government officers from the Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah districts of Indonesia also accompanied Fairtrade representatives for the workshop. This workshop is part of the producer support and relations (PSR) that helps new applicants and potential applicants to strengthen their association with Fairtrade in future. A total of 2 new applicants and 7 potential applicants from coffee farmers’ organizations participated in this workshop. This workshop aims to enhance the understanding of new and potential applicants from Gayo Highland, Indonesia which would enable them to smoothly enter the Fairtrade system. 

The workshop revolves around the theme of “Your Fairtrade Journey”. It focused on achieving the following key objectives:

  1. Supporting new and potential applicants in gaining a comprehensive understanding of Fairtrade, ensuring their readiness to become core parties within the system.
  2. Establishing a solid foundation for adopting the Fairtrade Small Producer Organization (SPO) model and developing customized action plans for each cooperative to address existing gaps.


The following activities were undertaken for the workshop:

  1. A comprehensive presentation on the Fairtrade Principle and the standard requirements was delivered.
  2. A productive discussion on strategies to become an effective Fairtrade-certified coop.
  3. Conducting a participatory organizational needs assessment, followed by the development of an action plan to strengthen the coop.

During this workshop, all participating cooperatives engaged in a thorough analysis of their needs and devised action plans to develop a strong foundation for their organization before entering the Fairtrade system. 2 new applicants committed to fulfilling all the necessary requirements for submission to Flocert while undergoing further gap assessment guided by the program consultant. Additionally, 1 potential applicant expressed their intention to initiate discussions regarding Fairtrade membership with their members and delegates at their upcoming first general assembly. Through their participation in Fairtrade, these producers secure a competitive advantage by embracing sustainable and ethical practices to trade their products and generate a respectable income.

By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions!


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