Vision Technologies Corporation Pvt Ltd.

Product: Sportsball
FLO ID: 1631
Country: Pakistan
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2005
Individual Members: 302
Organisation type: Hired Labour
Organisation Details
Vision Technologies Corporation was established in 2000 and is located in Sialkot district, Pakistan.
Fairtrade Certification
VTC became Fairtrade because of Fairtrade’s philosophy and concept.
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
The Fairtrade Premium Committee (FPC) has initiated welfare projects for women workers, especially with a focus on ensuring their security and comfort while commuting to work by offering a free pick up and drop service.
The premium has been invested in health, education and environment. In one project, 556 students received scholarships. For Ramadan, 515 workers received a Ramzan package, while 204 employees were examined for diabetes as part of a medical camp in 2013. Both the organization and the FPC have set up a water treatment plant for the workers and the community.