Latest NewsQuarter 2

Importance of wearing a mask during COVID19 Pandemic – Message from Chief Operations Officer to Fairtrade Producers and Stakeholders!

By April 14, 2020 No Comments

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has withdrawn its prior message on the wearing of masks only by the person infected with COVID19 and by health practitioners/ people tending to the sick. CDC mentions that wearing a mask when you go outside, even if you don’t feel sick, is a good idea. Here’s why. If you cough or sneeze, your mask can stop respiratory droplets from landing on people or surfaces, suggests Dr. Daniel Griffin, an expert on infectious diseases at Columbia University. On the other hand, if someone sneezes while wearing a mask, it protects you. Masks, when worn properly, will benefit everyone! 

In the video Sanjeet Singh Khurana, COO-NAPP extends his message to the Fairtrade producers and stakeholders on the importance of wearing a mask, and requests everyone to keep safe and take necessary precautions, and most importantly to wear the mask right! 

Purchasing surgical masks or N95 respirators is not an option since healthcare workers are facing shortages and need those masks to treat patients. The only option is to make your mask that covers your mouth and nose. Sarah Anum- Program Officer from NAPP shows a few simple steps to stitch your mask with materials easily available at homes! 

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